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247 Eaves Lane, Chorley, Lancashire, PR6 0AG - Print a Map

& Sew What is located on Eaves Lane, Chorley, 5 minutes from Junction 8 of the M61. We are directly opposite the driving test centre.

Unfortunately we don't have a car park, but there are no parking restrictions on the road or side streets.

From the North:
From the M6, bear left on to the M61 at junction 30. Exit the M61 at Junction 8 (approx 5 miles)

From the South:
From the M6, exit at Juction 28 (Leyland). Turn right, following signs for Chorley.

From the East:
From the M65, exit at junction 3. Bear left, following signs for Chorley.
From the M60 / M62 join the M61 North. Exit at Junction 8, Chorley.

Local Map

From the M61:
Turn towards Blackburn (Left if exiting from Southbound, Right if Exiting from Northbound) Go straight across the next roundabout (Botany Bay). Pass the fitness centre on your left, and then turn right at the staggered junction before the road becomes dual carriageway, onto the B6228. Follow the road, going straight across the mini roundabout and up over the motorway. At the next roundabout, bear left on to Eaves Lane.

From M6 Leyland:
After leaving motorway, turn right at lights towards Chorley. Go straight across at the next lights. Continue along the road, under the narrow bridge to the next set of lights. Turn Left. Continue straight until the roundabout where you need to bear left. Go stright up past the hospital on your right to the roundabout. Turn right towards the town centre. Head straight across the first roundabout, then bear left at the next, on to Harpers Lane. Head up to the top, and turn right onto Eaves Lane at the roundabout.

From Blackburn / M65 J3:
Head towards Chorley on A674. Pass through Higher Wheelton. When you see the Red Cat on your right, bear left on to the B6228. Follow directions as from M61 above.

From the Town Centre:
Head towards Preston on dual carriageway. Turn right at roundabout up Stump Lane. (Opposite SGL garage, next roundabout past McDonalds). Turn left at the top, on to Eaves Lane.

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